Persona Marketing

Persona Marketing Services

The fundamental concept of persona marketing is simple: Speak directly to your audience as if you were one of them, and address their specific needs.

Persona Marketing has been instrumental in creating high performing ad campaigns for some of the largest companies in the world.

Persona Marketing is a new model of marketing that focuses on your customer’s unique fears, desires, and quirks. It is an ideal approach for businesses to determine who they are creating for, what they do, and why.

This form of behavioural targeting enables advertisers to reach prospective customers and web users based on their behaviour rather than their stated interests.

Different Types Of Marketing Personas

A marketing persona is a compilation of information about a group of customers. This information is compiled into one profile. Using personas means you can streamline your marketing efforts, by knowing who you are targeting and what content they need to be receiving.

Here are four distinct marketing personas, each representing a different segment of your target audience.

  • Marketing persona
  • Buyer persona
  • Customer persona
  • Audience persona

All marketing personas have one thing in common: They’re based on real customers.

Persona Marketing is an incredibly powerful, customer-centric marketing method that can help you better target your products and messaging to people who will buy them.